Grace - digital composite painting of nude water nymph and abstract background

photoshop composite digital painting of Water nymph faery woman with rippled hair floating above water in front of geometric shapes
This was the last of many digital paintings I created between 2000-02 using Adobe Photoshop. At the time I was experimenting with compositing images together and incorporating abstract geometric backgrounds. The final image depicts a nude water nymph with rippled hair floating on the surface of the water admiring her reflection below.

Software Used: Adobe Photoshop
Dimensions: 8" x 8"
Year Created: 2002
Status: Prints Available


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About Me

My name is Ben. I'm an illustrator, industrial designer, and inventor that specializes in... making stuff look cool. When I'm not preparing inventive advertising or drafting eccentric products, I find time to restore 1940s industrial equipment.

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