Freakshow Deluxe East Coast poster for X Fest XI

illustration of carnival barker in front of tent with sideshow posters to either side
In 2006, I was asked by one of the heads of the Freakshow Deluxe East Coast sideshow group to design a promotional poster for their appearance at X-Fest Eleven. So I worked up the above image with Dirty Johnny Grinder, the carnival barker, standing at the opening to a sideshow tent while flanked by posters for The Demon, Babydoll The Contortionist, The North American Beer Monkey, The Wolf, Reaper The Human Dart Board, and Kirva Jade The Snake Handling Roller Girl. Unfortunately, the X-Fest promoters canceled the Freakshow's appearance and the poster was never used.

Date: September 17th, 2006
Location: X-Fest XI, Montgomery County Fairgrounds - Dayton, Ohio

Software Used: Adobe Photoshop
Year Created: 2006
Client: Freakshow Deluxe East Coast


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About Me

My name is Ben. I'm an illustrator, industrial designer, and inventor that specializes in... making stuff look cool. When I'm not preparing inventive advertising or drafting eccentric products, I find time to restore 1940s industrial equipment.

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