Bethlehem - digitally manipulated motion-blur night photography

long exposure night photograph of street lights digitally manipulated into abstract image of glowing lights on black background
In November of 2005, I experimented with a number of long exposure digital photographs of street lights while driving down the road at night. These sat unused in a folder on my computer until August of 2006, when I created a series of digitally manipulated photographic abstracts that turned the images into patterns. My intention with this piece in the series, is that it would be printed large format (36" x 48"), but I was never able to find a cost-effective print service to use.

Materials Used: Digital Photograph, Adobe Photoshop
Dimensions: Variable
Year Created: 2006
Status: Prints Available

Below is a rough mock-up of how the piece was intended to look in a gallery setting once it was printed.


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About Me

My name is Ben. I'm an illustrator, industrial designer, and inventor that specializes in... making stuff look cool. When I'm not preparing inventive advertising or drafting eccentric products, I find time to restore 1940s industrial equipment.

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