Warrior Spirit - a glazed ceramic sculpture of a bound hand clutching upward

front view of Rodin styled glazed ceramic sculpture of clutching hand with wrist bound in hemp twine
For a great deal of my artistic career, I've drawn a great deal of inspiration from the masters of the Italian Renaissance. The local art museum in Dayton has a bronze piece by Auguste Rodin called the "Hand of a Burgher of Calais" that shows the tension possible in a sculpture using just a human hand. Inspired by this and other works by Rodin, I sculpted this glazed ceramic sculpture of a hand with the wrist bound in hemp twine and the fingers clutching upward as though struggling against the binding.

Materials Used: Glazed Ceramic and Hemp Twine
Dimensions: 7.5" x 9.25" x 5.5"
Year Created: 2003
Status: Available

right side view of Rodin styled glazed ceramic sculpture of clutching hand with wrist bound in hemp twine
Warrior Spirt - right side view

back view of Rodin styled glazed ceramic sculpture of clutching hand with wrist bound in hemp twine
Warrior Spirit - back view

left view of Rodin styled glazed ceramic sculpture of clutching hand with wrist bound in hemp twine
Warrior Spirit - left side view


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About Me

My name is Ben. I'm an illustrator, industrial designer, and inventor that specializes in... making stuff look cool. When I'm not preparing inventive advertising or drafting eccentric products, I find time to restore 1940s industrial equipment.

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