Rinneadh Taibhreamh Dom (I Had a Dream) - Renaissance style oil painting

late Rennaisance style oil painting of bearded old man
This was one of the earliest oil paintings I completed. The name, "Rinneadh Taibhreamh Dom" came from an Irish-English dictionary I picked up that roughly translates to "I Had a Dream". It was styled after old master paintings from the mid-late Renaissance and depicts an old bearded man's face in profile weeping.

Materials Used: Oil on Canvas
Dimensions: 18" x 24"
Year Created: 1998
Status: In Private Collection


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About Me

My name is Ben. I'm an illustrator, industrial designer, and inventor that specializes in... making stuff look cool. When I'm not preparing inventive advertising or drafting eccentric products, I find time to restore 1940s industrial equipment.

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